Microsoft Recruiting Building Lobby
Explore Seattle App

UX/UI Designer, collaborated with Creative Developer Paolo Tosolini.


The Microsoft Recruiting team would like to have an explore Seattle app on the large display in the recruiting building lobby to create an inviting environment for job candidates, new-hires and students visiting Microsoft. The interactive touch experience engages users and creates excitement for exploring the fun attractions and activities in Seattle and on the Microsoft Campuses. The application is hands-on from scratch to a successfully launched application.

TIME: 4 Weeks, July to August 2014


After gathering requirements and providing content including attractions categories and introductions from recruiting team, I collaborated with the developer and we envisioned an interactive Puget Sound map to be one of the two entry points to the activities. The second entry point is category view that pivots the activities by seven categories, Food, Attractions, Wineries/ Breweries, Outdoors, Market, Nightlife and Microsoft Campuses.

Use cases

Based on my observation, the average browsing time of the multi-touch app is around 5 to15 minutes thus the interface and interaction flow should be very straightforward and intuitive helping users quickly have an overview and connect and access the detailed information on their phone. I sketched and proposed some interface layouts and discussed with the developer the feasibility and the interaction flow and I started out to the visual design.

Final Design

This app is heavily photo-driven. I believe photography is one of the most effective ways of conveying emotion. In Microsoft design guideline, visual system is about unique photography, dramatic color and beautiful use of type. Thus, every high-resolution attraction photo in this app was chosen and collected on my own. Regarding the visual look and feel, I used multiple bright colors as category buttons following Microsoft brand guidelines to ensure the color accessibility at the same time to bring the energy of Seattle life.

Dynamic Map
The detail pop up about the specific attractions. By typing phone number, users will receive a text message about the attraction information so they are able to check it when they are on the go.

Connection Form
Candidates can fill out a form expressing interest in meeting up with other candidates to go sightseeing.

If you have chance visiting Microsoft, please stop by Microsoft Recruiting building and play around this app to explore the fun in Seattle and Microsoft Campus!

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